Sunday, June 15, 2014

What is your favorite sin?

You are a sinner. You make mistake after mistake. Sometimes you even make the same mistake over and over again. You have a favorite sin. You know, that one sin that you hate to love and love to hate. That sin that you swear you'll never commit again and then you do it again anyway. Maybe you even have several favorite sins. You commit these favorite sins and then you find yourself begging for forgiveness the next day. This is a routine. Sin, slight pleasure, guilt, denial, realization, begging for forgiveness, and then repeat.
Now, hopefully by now, you have an idea of what your favorite sin is. Something has popped into your head while reading this blog post. And now you're in that stage where you're thinking about how awful you feel for realizing that you have a favorite sin. DON'T. Stop right there. NEWFLASH: It's not just you. Everyone has a favorite sin. Everyone. Your mom, your neighbor, even that one person at church that seems to have it all together and a one way ticket to heaven.
Now read this next sentence VERY slowly and carefully:

YOUR SINS DO NOT DEFINE YOU; What you do about your sins does. 

So what does that mean exactly? Well, too many people let their sins define them. They like to drink, so they're obviously an alcoholic, right? They like to go out and party every now and then, so they're obviously a trouble maker, right? They let the occasional curse word slip, so they must cuss like a sailor, right? WRONG. 

This is where the world gets so screwed up. See, the wonderful thing about sins is they've already been paid for. So does that mean you go out and sin and sin and sin, and it's okay because they've already been paid? NO. That would be like going bankrupt and then spending all the money on your new credit card just because your credit started over. You just don't do that. You learn from it.

Now let's go to the second part of the statement: What you do about your sins does. If you're the kind of person that commits a sin and then decides you're automatically doomed to hell, then you're probably right. Don't be that person, because it's not true. You aren't doomed to hell...
Get up, wipe the dust off and try again to be better. The number of times that you can be forgiven is endless, however, do not confuse this with thinking that you can sin and then turn around and be forgiven. That's not how it works. The problem with us sinners, is that sometimes we forget what repentance really is.

In Webster's Dictionary, the actual definition of repentance is the act of repenting; sincere regret or remorse. KEY WORD: SINCERE.
If you are sincere about your repentance of a sin, then you are committing to a life style change. You are saying that you will make a true effort to not commit that sin anymore.

So what will you decide about your favorite sin? Will it define you? Or will you overcome it and beat the title that comes along with it? Only you can decide. Only you can make your favorite sin become your favorite call to repentance.

Give away your sins. Let them go. Don't let them decide who you are. Defeat them. For if you give away your sins, you will come to know Christ.

He is the ultimate comforter. He is the ultimate friend and brother. He will be by your side when you're giving up on those sins. He will be there to be your cheerleader. He is not going to be only at the finish line. He is not in front of you. He is not behind you. He is beside you, every step of the way. When everyone else is gone, he is there. You need only be still.

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